Our Approach

In addition to funding the work of women who are at the forefront of protecting and safeguarding Mother Earth, we increase awareness about the vital role that they play in climate solutions and mobilize daughters around the world to take proactive steps to protect our planet.

Our approach is rooted in groundbreaking scientific research which has identified three crucial human-led efforts that we can and must make to combat climate change: protecting and restoring lands, waters, and wildlife populations, as well as promoting regenerative agriculture and renewable energy.

Daughters for Earth is committed to providing essential funding to women who are already making a difference in these three areas.

Meet the Advisory Circle that helps identify projects and the Wise Daughters Council that selects our annual grantees.

Solutions Backed by Science

Mother Earth needs us to take immediate actions to protect and restore it. Luckily we know how. We have the solutions to the climate crisis right now. Our scientific priorities are based on groundbreaking research on solutions to solve climate change.

Regenerating Wild Food Species to Create Sustainable Food Systems in Eastern Africa

World Agroforestry Centre

Restoring the Kakamega Tropical Rainforest by catalyzing women’s leadership in community forest management

Women's Earth Alliance

Protecting the Forests and Peatlands of Kalimantan

Women's Earth Alliance

Protecting Gorilla Through Women Led Community Water Solutions

Wild Earth Allies

Regenerating Ecological Practices of Indigenous Women in the Mississippi Delta

WeCan International

Restoring the Itombwe Rainforest through Community Action in the Congo

WeCan International

Regeneration through the Women-Led Climate Resilient Farming Model In India (Led by SSP)

Swayam (UNDP) Huairou Commission

Restoring Mangrove Forests to Protect the Laguna San Ignacio

SeaTrees / Sustainable Surf

Protecting the Heartland Ranch Preserve through Women-Led Conservation


Rewilding College Campuses - Beautiful for the Eyes and the Environment

Re:Wild Herbicide-Free Campus

Supporting Women-Led Micro-Enterprises to Regenerate Biodiversity

Mujeres y Ambiente

Anti-Poaching Women Warriors Protecting Threatened Wildlife in Zimbabwe

International Anti-Poaching Foundation

Supporting Navajo-Churro Shepherds through an Indigenous-led Wool Cooperative


Catalyzing Agroecological Regeneration in California


Protecting Indigenous Lands through Women-Led Mapping Initiatives in Eastern Africa

Digital Democracy

Protecting Gorillas and Biodiversity in the Karisoke Sector, Rwanda

Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund

Protecting Belize's Biodiversity through Women-Led Conservation

Community Baboon Sanctuary (Equator Prize)

Saving Millions of Acres in the Upper Amazon

Ceibo Alliance

Restoring Kilum-Ijim Forest Biodiversity by Centering Social Justice and Women's Empowerment


Reducing Carbon, Deforestation, and Pollution with Hemp Fiber Production

Anishinaabe Agriculture Institute

Expanding Regenerative Agriculture in the Southeastern US

American Farmland Trust

Supporting Women-Led Regenerative Farming and Reforestation Efforts in Guatemala

Alliance for International Reforestation AIR Guatemala (UNDP)

Returning to the Old to Protect the Future

Agroecology Fund

Regenerating Women-Led, Agroecology-Based Enterprises in Eastern Africa

Agroecology Fund

Regenerating Women-Led, Agroecology-Based Enterprises in Eastern Africa

Agroecology Fund

Regenerating Rangelands in Central Asia By Bringing Back the Kyrgyz Horse

Agroecology Fund

Protecting Wolves Through Compassionate Conservation in the Northern Rockies

Project Coyote

Restoring and Rehabilitating Endangered Sea Turtles in Cape Cod

National Marine Life Center (Water-Marine Wildlife)

Regenerating a Zero-Waste Mindset Through Youth Climate Education in Michigan

Detroit Dirt Foundation

Regenerating School and Urban Community Farms in Southwest Chicago

Academy for Global Citizenship

Protecting Cheetahs by Enhancing Pastoral Women’s Livelihoods in Somaliland

Cheetah Conservation Fund

Regenerating Smallholder Farms and Community Resilience in Africa’s Sahel Region

Groundswell International, Inc.

Protecting Oceans by Creating Generational Change in Mozambique

Love The Oceans (Water)

Regenerating Natural Fabric Dyeing Processes with Traditional Moroccan Weavers

Around the World in 80 Fabrics

Restoring the Colorado River Delta with a Diverse Environmental Team

The Sonoran Institute (Water-River & Wetlands)

Regenerating Madagascar’s Baobab Forest Back to a Vibrant Ecosystem

Malagasy Baobab passionate and expert group- GSPBM (Groupe des Spécialistes et des Passionnés de Baobabs de Madagascar)

Protecting Kenya’s Lions Through the Indigenous-led ‘Warrior Watch’

Ewaso Lions

Restoring Marine Biodiversity in Indonesia Through Women Fishmongers

Yayasan Teman Laut Indonesia (Thresher Shark Indonesia) (Water)

Protecting the Forests and Peatlands of Kalimantan (Led by Women’s Earth Alliance)

Women’s Earth Alliance (with Yayasan Ulin)

Strenghening of women planters of agroecological solutions (Grupo Autonomo para la Investigacion Ambiental, A.C. (GAIA)

Agroecology Fund

Integrating young people into the strucutres of the ReSCOPE and SCOPE Programmes (Aniham National Federation of Peasant Women)

Agroecology Fund

Women Sowers of Life (Desarrollo Economico y Social de los Mexicanos Indigenas (DESMI))

Agroecology Fund

Binhian: Building Peasant Women leaders in protecting and protecting and promoting local food security (Kilusang Magbubukid Pilipinas

Agroecology Fund

Regenerating the Lands of Western Maharashtra by Empowering Indigenous Farmers


Regenerating Farmlands in South Asia Through the Amrita Bhoomi School

Agroecology Fund

Restoring Coastal Mangroves and Indigenous Livelihoods in Ecuador

Coordinadora Nacional para la Defensa del Ecosistema Manglar (C-CONDEM)

Defending the Amazon by Empowering Women Leadership in the Ecuadorian Amazon

Amazon Watch

Restoring Wetlands and Hammerhead Shark Habitats in Costa Rica

Mision Tiburon (Water)

Restoring the Amazon While Educating Colombian Women in Conservation

Women for Conservation (Water - River)

Restoring Marine Biodiversity in the Colombian Pacific By Training Divers

Fundación Malpelo y Otros Ecosistemas Marinos (Water)

Protecting Chile’s Biobio River Basin’s Biocultural Diversity Through Watersports

Rios to Rivers (Water)

Protecting the Central Arctic Ocean Ice Shield Through Youth Leadership

Global Choices (Water)

Protecting the Arctic by Combining Inuit Knowledge and Scientific Research

Hearts in the Ice (Water-Ice/Arctic)

Protecting the Amazon’s Coast by Supporting the ‘Mothers of the Mangrove’


Regenerating Brazil's Mangrove Forests Through a Women-led Climate Coalition

Filha do Sol (Water)

Moyen-Bafing Chimpanzee Project

IUCN Action Plan for the Conservation of Western Chimpanzees

Supporting a Regenerative Agri-touristic Center in the Alpine Region of Switzerland

Votre Cercle de Vie

Protecting Black Rhinos in Kenya by Empowering an All-Women Ranger Uni


Creating Autonomous Food Production in Nairobi’s Kibera Slum

Human Needs Project

Protecting South Asia's Vulnerable Rivers by Catalyzing Local Women’s Leadership

International Rivers

Restoring Forests and Community Farms Across Tamil Nadu, India

Green Sakthi

Protecting Ancestral Rainforest Territory through Intercultural Education

Organización Waorani De Pastaza (Amazon Frontlines)

Library Forest, Restoring a Pocket of South American Temperate Rainforest

SUGi Foundation

Protecting Spoon-Billed Sandpiper in Vietnam through women-led efforts

WildAct Vietnam

Regenerating Ecological Practices of Indigenous Women in the Gulf South

Women's Earth and Climate Action Network

Scaling A Regenerative Cotton Program Across the United States


Healing the Earth By Restoring Indigenous Land in California

Deep Medicine Circle

Regenerating Communities and Empowering Women through Agroforestry in Kasese, Uganda


Restoring Food Security and Resilience to Ugandan Refugees With Permagardens

African Women Rising

Strengthening Land Tenure Security in a Maasai Community in Tanzania

Ujamaa Community Resource Team

Revitalizing Wayana Food Sovereignty in Suriname for a Healthier Community

The Mulokot Foundation

Enhancing Food Sovereignty By Cultivating Traditional Crops in South Africa

Siyazisiza Trust

Advocating for Self-sufficiency and Self-reliance among Peasant Women in the Philippines

Agroecology Fund

Repopulating Ashaninka Forests with Native Butterflies to Diversify Diet and Economy


Saving Nigeria's Critically Endangered Niger Delta Red Colobus Monkey

Foundation for Sustainability of Ecosystem, Wildlife and Climate (SW/Niger Delta Forest Project)

Restoring the Namuli Rainforest and Community Health in Mozambique

Namuli Wiwanana

Revaluing and Strengthening the Production of Nahua Backyard Gardens for Healthy Diets in Northeastern Mountains of Puebla, Mexico

Tosepan Pajti SC de RL de CV

Protecting Gray Whale Birthing Lagoons from Sea Level Rise in Baja California through Women-led Restoration

Sustainable Surf / SeaTrees

Empowering Zapotec communties to protect ancestral seed diversity

Mi Oaxaca

Fostering Local Stewardship in the Manatee Biocultural Corridor of the Yucatan Peninsula

Fundación Internacional para la Naturaleza y la Sustentabilidad (FINS) International Foundation for Nature and Sustainability

Restoring Madagascar’s Baobab Forests By Creating a Local Women-led NGO

GSPBM (Groupe des Spécialistes et des Passionnés de Baobabs de Madagascar)

Restoring Degraded Lands and Building Food Resilience in Kanyerus, Kenya


Restoring Ancestral Rangelands of Pastoralists in Samburu, Northern Kenya

Grevy's Zebra Trust

Protecting Javan Gibbons by Educating the Next Generation of Indonesian Conservationists

Yayasan Konservasi Ekosistem Alam Nusantara (KIARA)

Protecting Dugongs and Seagrass in Pantar Island Marine Protected Area

Tamang Dugong Indonesia

Protecting the Sacred Rainforest Sites of Indonesia's Dayak Taboyan

Save Our Borneo

Advocating for the Rights of Transboundary Rivers in India, Nepal and Bangladesh

International Rivers

Promoting Collective Farms and Food Sovereignty among the Pallur Dalit Women

Agroecology Fund

Developing value-added models to process native seeds and fruits in Antigua Guatemala

Contour Lines

Strengthening Women's Leadership at the Amazon Living School

Escuela Viva de la Amazonia - EVA (Amazon Living School)

Empowering Indigenous-led Communications and Storytelling to Protect the Amazon Rainforest

Ceibo Alliance

Skill Building for Community Land Use Planning in the Andes Amazon Corridor

Andes Amazon Conservancy

Becoming Biocultural Entrepreneurs in the Upper Ecuadorian Basin

Amazon Frontlines

Restoring Tree Canopy Habitats for Sloths and Other Arboreal Species

The Sloth Conservation Foundation

Restoring the Itombwe Rainforest through Community Action in the DR Congo

Women's Earth and Climate Action Network

Protecting the Congo Basin’s Kokolopari Bonobo Reserve Through Regenerative Agriculture

Congo Education Partners Inc

Invigorating Soil and Families n Rapa Nui through Nutritious Food

Rapa Nui agroecological producers' network

Preserving the Pacific Northwest's Vital Forests Through Indigenous-led Restoration

University of British Columbia (Mother Tree Organization)

Protecting the Arctic Basin & Ocean from Toxic Tar Sand Tailings

Keepers of the Water Society

Accelerating Climate Solutions in Canada Through Indigenous Leadership

Indigenous Climate Action

Empowering Women as They Reforest their Land in the Brazilian Amazon


Restoring Waterways through Tree-planting in Degraded Habitats

One Tree Planted

Marching in Brasilia in Defense and Protection of Amazonian Biomes

Martinez (Amazon Watch)

Restoring Land and Knowledge: production of Native Seedlings by Terena Women in the Pantanal

Chalana Esperança

Protecting Belize's biodiversity through Women-led Baboon Habitat Conservation

Community Baboon Sanctuary Women's Conservation Group

Regenerative Kelp Farming at the End of the World

Por el Mar Foundation

Women in Coffee: unlocking women’s power to regenerate mother earth one coffee cup at the time

Grupo Asociativo El Bombo Pitalito - Inza

Indigenous Wisdom that Heals our Soil - Women Farmers Take on Climate Change

Yayasan Rumah Sukkha Citta

Nature Through Her Eyes (NTHE) Mentorship, Training, and Film Festival Programming

The VII Foundation

Sampriti: Empowering Women for Ecological Restoration

Rewilding Academy

Bioengineering Social Enterprise for Disaster Risk Reduction and Livelihood Upliftment

Bighnaharta Nepal

Empowering Rural Women in the Southwest Region of Cameroon through regenerative agriculture for water protection, guidance, and restoration


Coral Nurture Program

University of Technology Sydney

Empowering Change: A Regenerative Ocean Community Initiative in West Rote

Yayasan Cakrawala Nusantara Lestari

Restoring and Reforesting the Ecuadorian Amazon through Actions of Indigenous Women

Women's Earth and Climate Action Network

Circular Economy: Empowering Women with The First Circular Diapers to Safeguard Indonesia's Waters from Plastic Pollution

Lautan Bersama Nusantara Foundation

Nelayan Lestari Program: Empowering Rote's Seaweed Farmers

PT. Azura Marine Indonesia

Coral Catch - Building a strong network of 100 female leaders protecting the coral reefs of Indonesia.

Yayasan Gili Matra Bersama

Empowering Indigenous Women Voices via Environmental-Conservation and Leadership Nexus Training

Oma Tafua

Amazonian Women’s Shield: Strengthening Indigenous Women-Led Land Defense Initiatives in Brazil

Dtwo Ltd

WIN4FOREST (Women-led Initiative and Network for Forest Protection Efforts in Java Island)

Perkumpulan Hutan Itu Indonesia

Earth Wisdom Initiative: Elevating Women and Traditional Knowledge for Environmental Justice


SWANA Climate Sirens

Climate Sirens

Nepal's Climate Leaders: Women in Sustainable Agriculture

SHE Changes Climate, hosted by Bridge Institute

Mangrove Conservation in Oaxaca, Mexico - A Collaboration with Local Afro-Mexican Women


Uprooting Racism, Seeding Sovereignty


Growing the mother seeds: weaving the wisdom and voices of Banggai women to foster their leadership in conserving nature

Prakarsa Konservasi Ekologi Regional Sulawesi

Warrior Moms- Mothers For Clean Air!

Warrior Moms Foundation

We are a network of mothers from diverse backgrounds across India committed to fighting air pollution and climate change to protect the health of our children and future generations. Our vision is a society where clean air, a basic human right is accessible to all, especially our children.

Food for The Future : Restoring Local Food Systems for Economic Regeneration, Women Empowerment, and Biodiversity Conservation in Ende, Indonesia

Flores Bumi Lestari

Caring for Corals/Cuidando del los Corales

Silleck Consulting Services, LLC

Promoting solutions to recovery for Southern Resident killer whales that rebuild their primary prey, Chinook salmon.

Raincoast Conservation Foundation

From shark Fishermen to Ocean advocates: Women Leading Shark Protection in Baja California Sur (Proyecto Tiburón)

Sea Souls, A.C.

Restoring and Preserving the community forest of Simpur and Tumbang Nusa Village, Pulang Pisau District

Yayasan Himba Raya Indonesia

Laura Korčulanin

Give a Shit

Title: Protect Kikori Tribes' Legacy: Preserve Cultural Heritage and Biodiversity for a Sustainable Future


Rethink Regenerate Release Community Incubator

Solidarity Yaad International Limited


EcoLogic Development Fund

Empowering Women's Groups to establish Community Seed Banks in Bulingtar, Nepal

Youth Action For Sustainable And Eco Nepal


Mujeres Amazonicas Defensoras de la Selva

Scholar Reef: Women Lead in Malang, East Java

Yayasan Biorock Indonesia Lestari

Nursery of Life: Women Custodians of the Mangrove

Colectivo Madre Manglar

Restoring Forests with Intergenerational Knowledge Sharing

Paso Pacifico

Warmi Kewiñas or Warmi Queuñas is a project within the Acción Andina program.

Asociación Ecosistemas Andinos

Warmi Kewiñas seeks the development and empowerment of women in Andean communities. We create spaces for women where they can be heard, where together we work little by little to close the inequality gap by providing them with tools to be more resilient and address their challenges. The Acción Andina Program seeks to create a social movement of local communities and institutions through the conservation and restoration of native forests and ecosystems. Andean women play a key role in the success of our mission.

Empowering local Indigenous communities of Aotearoa New Zealand through diving to respond to New Zealands evolving blue economy


Levanta Zabelê + Global Pact Project

Levanta Zabelê + Global Pact

Empowering Kogi Women to Conserve the Critically Endangered Blue-bearded Helmetcrest: An Pathway to Environmental Stewardship & Sustainable Ecotourism

Women for Conservation

H2Ours: People Protecting Water


Recicletas - Mujeres por el ambiente en Tocumen

Marea Verde

Strengthening the role of Guarani women in defending their rights and the forest and promoting their leading role in global climate action

Comissão Guarani Yvyrupa (CGY)

ReStoring Economies with Hemp by ReThinking Bio Based Building in Tribal Communities

Indigenous Cannabis Industry Association

MUDECOOP Mangrove Restoration Project



Kuan Mnasi Timor Foundation

The Hidden Forest -- How the treetops can provide sustainable income to indigenous women and families through ecotourism

TREE Foundation

Women: The Guardian of Seeds

Perkumpulan Mantasa

Promouvoir les approches de solutions basées sur la nature et des techniques agricoles aux femmes rurales pour une résilience et adaptation aux effets du changement climatique de leur milieu.


Ikiamanuwa Cultural Revival and Indigenous Knowledge Transmission for Shiwiar Women in the Amazon

Dirigencia de la Mujer de la Nacionalidad Shiwiar del Ecuador / Women's Department of the Shiwiar Nation of Ecuador

Women Conserving Southern Africa: bringing together women from different backgrounds to address conservation challenges

University of Botswana

Sustainable management and Conservation of the critical Maevatanana wetlands complex in Madagascar

IMPACT Madagascar

Mujeres Tejiendo el Futuro: Women and youth leading conservation of P. caquetensis in the Andes-Amazon foothills in Piamonte, Colombia

Reserva: The Youth Land Trust

Women-led protection of wildlife conservation and rangelands management.

Friends of Lake Turkana

Enhancing Agroecology-Based Food Production and Eco-Restoration in Kichwa Communities in the Amazon Sacred Headwaters Bioregion of Ecuador

Fundación Alianza Cuencas Sagradas


Friends Of Nature Guinea

Women of the Rio Napo

Rainforest Partnership

Mesquite Matriarchs: Empowering Women for Sustainable Futures

Cuenca Los Ojos

Addressing deforestation in DRC’s forests by economically empowering internally displaced women in Goma by offering skills training in the manufacturing and sale of eco-friendly briquettes and charcoal balls within their communities.

Fonds pour les Femmes Congolaises / Fund for Congolese Women (FFC)

Sustainable access to clean water and regenerative agriculture in rural Democratic Republic of Congo

Georges Malaika Foundation

Building a climate resilience landscape for women through capacity building to become actively involved in climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts.

Community self help group

Uru Uru Team

Uru Uru Team

Lemurs & People: Building an alliance for conservation in Andilambologno unprotected forest, north-western Madagascar


Anzania's transformation: from a lifeless quarry to thriving Eco Park


Regenerative tourism for environmental governance, restoration, and ecosystem connectivity of the Gulf of Urabá

Social Development Group - SDG

Rethink - Rethinking our way of relating with nature by innovating our models of economy and food and/or redefining the way we coexist in cities. ● Release - Release the leading force of women as protectors of Earth through leadership skills, ancestral knowledge and/or community action.

Caribbean Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Livelihoods (CoESL)

Refugia for women activists protecting nature in the front line

Mundo Común

Humans for Abundance - Restoring Territories and Re-storying Identities with Indigenous Communities


High Mountain Nursery Construction and Regeneration Program


Explore Our Projects Library

Daughters for Earth actively seeks out and backs women-led climate solutions, focusing on nature conservation and restoration, regenerative agriculture, and renewable energy. We honor and celebrate the women’s contributions, provide them with financial support and invite every daughter across the globe to be part of the solution.

Mama Zulfa and the Women’s Mangrove Restoration in Mtangawanda, Kenya 

Mama Zulfa and the Women’s Mangrove Restoration in Mtangawanda, Kenya 

Conservation Hero: Alexandra Narvaez

Conservation Hero: Alexandra Narvaez

Women Healing Rangelands in Samburu, Northern Kenya

Women Healing Rangelands in Samburu, Northern Kenya

Protecting Spoon-Billed Sandpiper in Vietnam through Community-led Conservation Efforts

Protecting Spoon-Billed Sandpiper in Vietnam through Community-led Conservation Efforts

Scaling a Regenerative Cotton Program Across the United States

Scaling a Regenerative Cotton Program Across the United States

Regenerating Ecological Practices of Indigenous Women in the Gulf South

Regenerating Ecological Practices of Indigenous Women in the Gulf South

Healing the Earth By Restoring Indigenous Land in California

Healing the Earth By Restoring Indigenous Land in California

Restoring Food Security and Resilience to Ugandan Refugees With Permagardens

Restoring Food Security and Resilience to Ugandan Refugees With Permagardens

Regenerating Communities and Empowering Women through Agroforestry in Kasese, Uganda

Regenerating Communities and Empowering Women through Agroforestry in Kasese, Uganda

Strengthening Land Tenure Security in a Maasai Community in Tanzania

Strengthening Land Tenure Security in a Maasai Community in Tanzania

Revitalizing Wayana Food Sovereignty in Suriname for a Healthier Community

Revitalizing Wayana Food Sovereignty in Suriname for a Healthier Community

Enhancing Food Sovereignty By Cultivating Traditional Crops in South Africa

Enhancing Food Sovereignty By Cultivating Traditional Crops in South Africa

Advocating for Self-sufficiency and Self-reliance among Peasant Women in the Philippines

Advocating for Self-sufficiency and Self-reliance among Peasant Women in the Philippines

Repopulating Ashaninka Forests with Native Butterflies to Diversify Diet and Economy

Repopulating Ashaninka Forests with Native Butterflies to Diversify Diet and Economy

Saving Nigeria’s Critically Endangered Niger Delta Red Colobus Monkey

Saving Nigeria’s Critically Endangered Niger Delta Red Colobus Monkey

Restoring the Namuli Rainforest and Community Health in Mozambique

Restoring the Namuli Rainforest and Community Health in Mozambique

Revaluing and Strengthening the Production of Nahua Backyard Gardens for Healthy Diets in Northeastern Mountains of Puebla, Mexico

Revaluing and Strengthening the Production of Nahua Backyard Gardens for Healthy Diets in Northeastern Mountains of Puebla, Mexico

Empowering Zapotec Communities to Protect Ancestral Seed Diversity

Empowering Zapotec Communities to Protect Ancestral Seed Diversity

Protecting Gray Whale Birthing Lagoons in Baja California, Mexico, through Women-Led Restoration

Protecting Gray Whale Birthing Lagoons in Baja California, Mexico, through Women-Led Restoration

Fostering Local Stewardship in the Manatee Biocultural Corridor of the Yucatan Peninsula

Fostering Local Stewardship in the Manatee Biocultural Corridor of the Yucatan Peninsula

Restoring Madagascar’s Baobab Forests By Creating a Local Women-led NGO

Restoring Madagascar’s Baobab Forests By Creating a Local Women-led NGO

Restoring Ancestral Rangelands of Pastoralists in Samburu, Northern Kenya

Restoring Ancestral Rangelands of Pastoralists in Samburu, Northern Kenya

Restoring Degraded Lands and Building Food Resilience in Kanyerus, Kenya

Restoring Degraded Lands and Building Food Resilience in Kanyerus, Kenya

Protecting the Sacred Rainforest Sites of Indonesia’s Dayak Taboyan

Protecting the Sacred Rainforest Sites of Indonesia’s Dayak Taboyan

Protecting Dugongs and Seagrass in Pantar Island Marine Protected Area

Protecting Dugongs and Seagrass in Pantar Island Marine Protected Area

Promoting Collective Farms and Food Sovereignty among the Pallur Dalit Women

Promoting Collective Farms and Food Sovereignty among the Pallur Dalit Women

Advocating for the Rights of Transboundary Rivers in India, Nepal, and Bangladesh

Advocating for the Rights of Transboundary Rivers in India, Nepal, and Bangladesh

Developing Value-added Models to process Native Seeds in Antigua Guatemala

Developing Value-added Models to process Native Seeds in Antigua Guatemala

Strengthening Women’s Leadership at the Amazon Living School

Strengthening Women’s Leadership at the Amazon Living School

Becoming Biocultural Entrepreneurs in the Upper Ecuadorian Amazon

Becoming Biocultural Entrepreneurs in the Upper Ecuadorian Amazon

Empowering Indigenous-led Communications and Storytelling to Protect the Amazon Rainforest

Empowering Indigenous-led Communications and Storytelling to Protect the Amazon Rainforest

Skill Building for Community Land Use Planning in the Andes Amazon Corridor

Skill Building for Community Land Use Planning in the Andes Amazon Corridor

Restoring Tree Canopy Habitats for Sloths and Other Arboreal Species

Restoring Tree Canopy Habitats for Sloths and Other Arboreal Species

Protecting the Congo Basin’s Kokolopari Bonobo Reserve Through Regenerative Agriculture

Protecting the Congo Basin’s Kokolopari Bonobo Reserve Through Regenerative Agriculture

Restoring the Itombwe Rainforest through Community Action in the DR Congo

Restoring the Itombwe Rainforest through Community Action in the DR Congo

Invigorating Soil and Families in Rapa Nui through Nutritious Food

Invigorating Soil and Families in Rapa Nui through Nutritious Food

Protecting the Arctic Basin & Ocean from Toxic Tar Sand Tailings

Protecting the Arctic Basin & Ocean from Toxic Tar Sand Tailings

Preserving the Pacific Northwest’s Vital Forests Through Indigenous-led Restoration

Preserving the Pacific Northwest’s Vital Forests Through Indigenous-led Restoration

Accelerating Climate Solutions in Canada Through Indigenous Leadership

Accelerating Climate Solutions in Canada Through Indigenous Leadership

Empowering Women as They Reforest their Land in the Brazilian Amazon

Empowering Women as They Reforest their Land in the Brazilian Amazon

Restoring Land and Knowledge: Production of Native Seedlings by Indigenous Women in the Pantanal

Restoring Land and Knowledge: Production of Native Seedlings by Indigenous Women in the Pantanal

Restoration of Intelligent Forests – Brazil

Restoration of Intelligent Forests – Brazil

3rd Indigenous Women’s March by ANMIGA (National Association of Ancestral Indigenous Women Warriors) Theme: Women of the Amazon Biome in Defense of Biodiversity through Ancestral Roots

3rd Indigenous Women’s March by ANMIGA (National Association of Ancestral Indigenous Women Warriors) Theme: Women of the Amazon Biome in Defense of Biodiversity through Ancestral Roots

Protecting Belize’s Biodiversity through Women-led Baboon Habitat Conservation

Protecting Belize’s Biodiversity through Women-led Baboon Habitat Conservation

Regenerative Ocean Farming Pilot: The Sea Forests at the End of The World

Regenerative Ocean Farming Pilot: The Sea Forests at the End of The World

Restoring the Itombwe Rainforest through Community Action in the Congo

Restoring the Itombwe Rainforest through Community Action in the Congo

Restoring the Kakamega Tropical Rainforest by Catalyzing Women’s Leadership in Community Forest Management

Restoring the Kakamega Tropical Rainforest by Catalyzing Women’s Leadership in Community Forest Management

Restoring Wetlands and Hammerhead Shark Habitats in Costa Rica

Restoring Wetlands and Hammerhead Shark Habitats in Costa Rica

Returning to the Old to Protect the Future

Returning to the Old to Protect the Future

Rewilding College Campuses – Beautiful for the Eyes and the Environment

Rewilding College Campuses – Beautiful for the Eyes and the Environment

Saving Millions of Acres in the Upper Amazon

Saving Millions of Acres in the Upper Amazon

Supporting Navajo-Churro Shepherds Through an Indigenous-Led Wool Cooperative

Supporting Navajo-Churro Shepherds Through an Indigenous-Led Wool Cooperative

Supporting Women-Led Micro-Enterprises to Regenerate Biodiversity

Supporting Women-Led Micro-Enterprises to Regenerate Biodiversity

Supporting Women-Led Regenerative Farming and Reforestation Efforts in Guatemala

Supporting Women-Led Regenerative Farming and Reforestation Efforts in Guatemala

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